Day Zero Project Take: 2
Shortly after I first started this blog, I started a big list of projects I was super excited to do/make/etc. It was called the Day Zero Project and they have their own website so you can make your own list as well. (That link actually goes to one of my old Day Zero project goals from my first list if you’re interested in checking it out…)
Anyway, when I first started this blog, I wasn’t that sick. I mean. I was always a little sick. But everything sort of snowballed and blew up and got worse and worse about a year or so after I started making my Day Zero Project goals. To be clear, I do believe those things were completely unrelated and that it was just coincidental, but due to the fact that I began to get sicker and sicker I dropped the ball on my first list and there was a number of things I didn’t complete. This was not like me. 🙁
A lot has happened between then and now and I was just sitting at home the other day (while I sit here recovering from my surgery still) and I thought, “I wonder if that Day Zero Project website is still up?” I feel like I have some unfinished business with it to attend to. It’s never really been like me to not finish what I start (for 1) and for 2, I feel like I’m at a place where my health has stabilized enough that I know how to handle it going forward. It’s always true that more could happen to make it worse, but that’s true of any and everyone. Right now I want to make my best attempt knowing that my health seems to be as stable as its been in years and that I feel I could actually complete a list.
So I sat down and I wrote up a list. You can view the list on my website on this page here. I’m really excited to do this, and do this right- and I hope you’ll come along on the journey with me too!