Happy New Year 2025
This is my end of year blog, and I’m late on it. Ohh man do I hate being late on it but I am! I’m late, and there’s no sense trying to pretend that I’m not. And this past year was probably my least favorite year in so many. I can not recall the last time I have had so many surgeries. Just so many! Six, to be exact. And somewhere in the middle of the year, I got disenchanted with updating the blog. Part of that was that, my love affair with updating pre and post op is that I enjoy seeing myself get better. I mean, I would prefer if I stayed better. But if I cannot stay better, than the transformation from “unwell” to “well” is nifty. But then, this year… There were so many downslides back onto “unwell” and I never felt quite “well” and it didn’t feel exactly like I was winning or going back from “sick” to “unsick”. I averaged a surgery every two months. Sucky. And I didn’t feel like updating them all. So, I didn’t.
Still. The year did happen, and I will still be doing my summary. So here we goooo!
January was tough for me because in December I had a PICC line put in. But, I still managed to have a little fun despite being down one arm. I got to have my first “baw baw“. And I still managed to celebrate Dragon Appreciation Day!
I eventually got my new power port installed. I didn’t know at the time, but it was the wrong one (which is why it was so large and I struggled so much to heal it. But also, it had no palpation bumps. Neat, huh? I had no idea at the time though, and I still have this garbage dump of a port to this day!). Plans are to fix it when I need another port. But that might not be immediately and my current experience is absolutely awful. YAY! 😀
After having a stupid amount of surgeries in a row, doneknitting (on Tumblr) sent me a care package of things she made me including this adorable piggie! LOOKIT IT! LOOK! 😀 I also found out I was going to need yet another surgery I wasn’t originally planning on this year. (Sigh). And they took my PICC line out. (Although, at least I got my arm back! That was good.) And I had a surgical consult in another state! March was busy.
I got my hernia fixed. The mega huge super serious one. Whew! Also: the Eas-er Bunny brung me an Eas-er Baskit! 😀 Also also also: Master Pravus got a terrible, horrible, no-good very bad finger wound!
My birthday was really fucking fucked this year. Seriously. And also our car wound up in the shop due to a pothole on the highway.
June was tough. On the one hand, the porch broke. On the other hand, I planted some things. Planting some things was nice, and around this time of the year I started to feel actually better (physically). Like, I started to feel like my energy was coming back somewhat and I was dreading having further surgery. But, what are you going to do? I did get to do a little sewing project. That was nice.
July was mainly a month of healing and very slowly trying to get back on my feet. I didn’t get a whole lot done or accomplished, but I started going on trips in the car with Master Pravus a little more. And he brought me these cute dandelions.
August was reportless, or at least, I didn’t write up a blog post.
I was also completely silent through September, but in fairness, I was recovering from a pretty major surgery. (Yes. Yet another.)
I did a small entry in October about my surgery, and how I was recovering from September’s surgery. But it was tough and mainly a struggle.
After October, I didn’t really update this year. Some of that was because of what I mentioned above. Some of it was because: I didn’t have as much as usual to say. This year had nice points, but it didn’t feel very great for the most part. I mean, people kept reminding me that this was my “recovery” year. And maybe that is true. But the new year has started and I’m not all the way better. I guess expecting to be instantly better in January would be silly, anyway.
Also, on top of things, in December, shortly before Xmas, Master Pravus got into an accident. He’s alright, but the car isn’t. It has so much damage it’s going to need about three weeks in the shop worth of repair. I’ve never had a car in the shop for that long. Terrible.
The thing is. I haven’t been updating my Walking to Mordor, either. A few weeks ago I realized I had a mathematical error in my calculations somewhere, and I don’t know exactly where. I’m in the process of going back through and fixing that before I update, but I think I might update anyway and maybe leave the progress segment just open? I would then update that part when I get the rest of the calculations solved. We’ll see. I’m working on it right now.
And what about my goal for this year? The big one on my Support-Me page of this site? Did I make it? Did we make it? We got close, but we unfortunately didn’t. I was just shy of it. This is the first year that I didn’t get my goal… For a third year in a row. I tried, but you know what? 2024 was a lot, and there was a lot of physical downtime where I couldn’t do as much as I wanted. So this year. We’re trying again for the same thing. Can we do it? Of course we can. We’re going to do our best!
Here’s a link to last year’s recap, if you want to see it. I had said that I want to feel better physically, and to be braver too. I don’t know if that’s what happened. On the one hand, I guess the surgeries I needed are all complete, and the only ones I know I need now are the continual maintenance ones for my feeding tube and port. (I need far less ones for my port though!) My other surgeries are all done, unless something happens. (I don’t wanna jinx anything). So I guess in a way I am somewhat more healed. But I also don’t feel fully healed from any of those surgeries. It’s tough. Healing takes time. I don’t know what I want out of the year ahead. But I do know I want to keep trying! I want to fix up my walk to Mordor, and I want to do more things. I want this year to be more enjoyable, but I want to go at my own pace. I want to inject more fun into 2025. I hope I can, and I hope that next year I can tell you about a year that I’m more proud of than this one.