Road to Rivendell: Week 22

“Chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga choo choo!!” “That’s too many ‘Chuggas’ I go straight for the ‘choo choo’, you only get two ‘chuggas’!” “NO WAY! There’s always eight ‘chuggas!’” That’s the oddball argument Master Pravus and me had when we were arguing over how many “chuggas” the victory train has when you’re […]

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Road to Rivendell: Week 21

Oh my freaking GOSH I think I finally have broken through my stupid little setback period. I mean. Who knows, but I really think that maybe I have. I hope. ::Kitty crosses her fingers and tosses a pinch of salt over her shoulder and spins widdershins just.. in case:: 😉 But. This week certainly does […]

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Road to Rivendell: Week 19

I was thinking about how bad the last few weeks are, and how terrible I’ve been feeling physically overall. I’m kind of doing a “reverse” Frodo. Frodo’s journey was sort of “fresh at the beginning and better towards the end. And mine will hopefully be.. Worse to start (I started it directly off a major […]

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