Road to Rivendell: Week 71

This week was so good! My best one yet, actually. I don’t even know how I go from “meh.” To “Milestone week” but I guess sometimes that happens, and this was one of those times. 6.13 miles. I’m happy with that. How can you not be proud of a milestone? Good week. 252.18 Miles total. […]

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Road to Rivendell: Week 68

I slid down a little bit again, 3.95 miles for me. I’m struggling, but I’m trying. Nearly four miles isn’t the worst week. It’s just that my port is having complications but I’m trying to keep moving because better circulation is good for healing. But I’m still sliding regardless. At any rate: 235.9 Miles total. […]

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Road to Rivendell: Week 67

So I slipped back a little bit this week, about three quarters of a mile. I have to say, considering I had surgery last week I’m not feeling particularly upset over this. It’s alright. I’m gonna come back stronger. Rawr. 4.31 miles total. Off onto the next week! 231.95 Miles total. 158.13 Miles left to […]

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